I’ve found myself interested in how the research element of this project could work having never been part of such a research project before. It has been such a learning curve for me. I am truly aware of it’s value now. It has excited me; stretched me; and rewarded me in many ways.
The importance of the manner, attitude and support of the project leaders cannot be overstated. Managing to gel the group(s), encouraging individuals while giving full freedom to co-researchers own expression and needs.
Through the project I have found ways to give myself permission to enjoy facets of life that I have struggled with, to use these personal freedoms to live more expressively within my own parameters.

‘During the Co-production research summer school, I shared our approach, research tools and experience of being co-researchers on the Art in Nature Connections project. The presentation included a video, capturing our time spent on the project.
The biggest surprise was how touched people were by it, including myself. Even those who said art and nature was not their ‘ thing’ said they felt moved and connected to it.
I felt an overwhelming sense of pride in reflecting on what we had achieved. It all felt very human, in the nicest, gentlest sense of the word.
I was also proud that I overcame my nerves and was able to present as I felt it was important to share both our experience and research findings to allow others to benefit from the project, as we had benefited.
Sharing in this way has helped build my confidence.’

I found helping with the creation of our gathering event to be fulfilling as it felt good to be able to share our experience with others. I thought that the rooms looked wonderful as the exhibits and the information flowed through the rooms and out the doors into nature.
The visitors seemed absorbed and interested; lingering to watch and listen to the film and appeared to be open to the ideas held within the exhibition. They relaxed and enjoyed the activity room where they experienced something of what we had found within the project; suggesting to me that our experience was being in some way transferred to them.